While countries, businesses and public events are in love lockdown all over the world, everyone is spending more time staying indoors. As we might as well use this time wisely, we wanted to share our 10 favorite sustainable reads with you. We hope they will serve as an inspiration for how we all can use this time for more reflection, creativity and love for ourselves and our fellow human beings.
We believe, this time is here to remind us all what is really important.
Take care and stay safe.
The YUME team
1. A Changemakers Guide to the Future
Author | Anders Lendager & Ditte Lysgaard Vind
What inspires us | This book offers guidance and advise on how to release the potential within circular economy and help kick start the transition in your business – big or small. After reading this, we truly believe that circular economy is no longer a visionary idea, but something that can create tangible results, and drive sustainable development.
2. Zero Waste Home – The Ultimate Guide to Simplify Your Life
Author | Bea Johnson
What inspires us | Bea Johnson proves, by inspiring example, what a zero waste lifestyle looks like and offers practical and easy tips to lower your environmental footprint, while improving quality of life at the same time. In our opinion, this is the ultimate guide to simplified and sustainable living!
Find it here
3. The Monocle Guide to Better Living
Author | Monocle
What inspires us | While our own travel plans are forced to be on hold, this book serves as an informative and entertaining collection of writing, photography, reports and recommendations to locations, products and ideas that are inspiring better living across the globe. Reading this book, definitely makes the world a little more likeable and loveable even in these times. Lots of inspiration on how to improve your own way of living.
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4. Why We Should all be Feminists
Author | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
What inspires us | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian born-writer and speaker who we truly admire. You might already know her, from her TED Talk of the same name, “We should all be feminists”, that’s also sampled by Beyonce in her song Flawless, from her fifth studio album. How cool is that? However, this essay offers a new and unique definition for feminism based on her personal experiences and a desire for inclusion and awareness. A must read for both women and men, interested in what it means to be a women today, what it should become, and how we can drive change in the future.
5. Wear, Repair, Repurpose – A Maker’s Guide to Mending and Upcycling Clothes
Author | Lily Fulop
What inspires us | A beautiful and colourful guide on how to mindfully mend and upcycle your clothes, so you can ditch fashion waste and extend the lifecycle of your favorite clothes. Step-by-step illustrations make mending easier than ever, and can help create a personal touch to your wardrobe.
6. The Preserve Journal
Author | Varying authors
What inspires us | Thinking about using this extra time at home in the kitchen? Us too. The Preserve Journal is an independent print magazine dedicated to the exploration of a more responsible, transparent and sustainable food culture. Each issue is full of articles by many inspiring and diverse voices. Everything from acclaimed chefs, bio-dynamic farmers to artists and environmental activists. The perfect inspiration for improving those cooking skills.
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7. Why Materials Matter – Responsible Design for a Better World
Author | Seetal Solanki
What inspires us | Join us for a visually stunning investigation of the material world we live in, and how materials of the past and present hold the keys to our future. Together with designers, artists, makers and scientists this book presents a catalog of ideas and creative efforts of how different materials can be used and transformed. To us it’s a book with endless inspiration, as it can be read again and again.
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8. Building Social Business
Author | Muhammed Yunus
What inspires us | Microfinance pioneer and Noble Peace Prize Winner, Muhammed Yunus, has developed a new dimension for capitalism called “social business”. Here, social business generates economic growth while creating a positive impact around the globe. The book not only contains advice for social entrepreneurs starting out, but also gives examples of how social businesses can create opportunities for people in developing countries. If you would love reading about the potential of social business, look no further. Oh, and bring your highlighter!
Find it here
9. Klimaguiden – Red verden lidt hver dag (Danish only)
Author | Anna Fenger Schefte & Anders Nolting Magelund
What inspires us | Danes have the seventh largest CO2-consumption pr. individual in the world, so there is no doubt that we all need to do something to lower our environmental footprint. Klimaguiden shows you how. The book guides you through different areas of life – such as our food, the household, transport, money, travel and clothing. Within each area, you are given manageable tips, important facts and great advice on how to make small differences or big changes which will not only serve you, but also our planet.
Find it here
10. Grønne Hverdagstips (Danish only)
Author | Signe Wenneberg
What inspires us | Journalist and clima activist, Signe Wenneberg, is a bit of a hero in her own right. Her mantra is that no one can do it all, but we can all do something (Ingen kan gøre alt men alle kan gøre noget) to help our this pretty place called Earth. In the book, Signe Wenneberg presents her easiest tips and tricks to a more sustainable everyday living.
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